Wednesday, February 05, 2003

It's just occurred to me that right now this blog has no audience and I'm typing merrily away...for what? God, I need some sleep. And I thought talking to myself was bad...
By the way, can anyone think of a better byline? Something a little less descriptive and with a little more panache? This is my first blog and so far it all seems a little formal, ugh.

I mean One Kiwi's life as an English teacher in Taiwan? Puh-leeze.
Well, this is my first real post to my blog and may well end up being my last, due to my knack of losing interest pretty quickly.

Right, where to begin? I'm an English teacher in Taipei. I've been here almost a month now and I'm slowly getting into the groove of things. I'm keeping this blog so I don't spend all my time writing emails to friends and family, which'll free up time to do stuff to actually write about.

That's all for this entry. I'm going to bed.